


作为父母回到学校是一个勇敢而有力量的决定. Herzing大学 offers a range of career-focused programs 设计ed to accommodate both the busy schedules 和 the diverse aspirations of parents looking to achieve their goals.

When a new academic year begins, it’s not just children 和 young adults heading back to school. 根据 国家教育统计中心在美国,近20%的本科生是家长. That means that about 1 in 5 college students drop kids off for school as they prepare for their own classes.

作为父母回到学校是一个勇敢而有力量的决定. 你是否在考虑换工作, 注重个人成长, 或者希望重新进入劳动力市场, 追求学位会打开新的机会之门, 提供一种满足感, 为你的孩子树立一个鼓舞人心的榜样.

Herzing大学 offers a range of career-focused programs 设计ed to accommodate both the busy schedules 和 the diverse aspirations of parents looking to achieve their goals. Here are a few of the many opportunities available for back-to-school parents of all backgrounds, 利益, 和动机.

1. 牙科保健师 *

口腔卫生理学学士学位 can be an excellent choice for parents looking to enter the healthcare field in a specialized role. 牙齿保健师在维持口腔健康方面起着至关重要的作用, offering preventive dental care 和 educating patients on proper oral hygiene practices. Herzing’s bachelor's degree program can be completed in as few as 36 months 和 dental hygiene graduates will be prepared to sit for the National Board 口腔卫生 Exam, 法学考试(MN).

这个职业不仅排名第二 最佳医疗保健支持工作,但成为一名牙科保健师会给你提供很多灵活性. 根据 劳工统计局 (美国劳工统计局), 而一些牙科保健师则是全职工作, 许多牙科保健师兼职工作. This can be a great option for working mothers who want the flexibility to attend their children’s activities.

*This program is only offered at Herzing大学 through the Herzing大学 明尼阿波里斯市 campus. 所有课程都因地点而异.

2. 医疗保健信息管理

If you're interested in healthcare but prefer a role that focuses more on administration 和 man年龄ment than bedside care, a 医疗信息管理理学学士学位 也许这就是你的使命. 这个学位可以为医疗机构的职位打开大门, 诊所,甚至保险公司. 根据 美国劳工统计局在美国,医疗卫生服务经理的就业预计将增加 28%2022-2032,快于全美的平均水平.S. 职业.

This is an ideal choice for parents who want to combine their organizational skills with their passion for improving healthcare services. 在Herzing大学,你可以在短短36个月内完成你的学位. 对于那些需要更灵活的时间安排的人, 你也可以100%在线完成课程, 在批准的机构内亲自完成两次90小时的实习.

3. 工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)

如果你已经有了本科学位,a 工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士) could offer a versatile degree that can lead to various career opportunities across industries. 对于那些希望在商业基础上重新进入职场的父母来说, Herzing的课程可以提供基本的管理技能, 市场营销, 金融, 和更多的.

的 goal of the 工商管理硕士 degree program is to make graduates both more knowledgeable 和 better 领导人. 灵活的工作时间, you can balance your studies with family commitments 和 pave the way for future success in the 业务 world.

4. 资讯科技(IT)

在今天的数字时代, a degree in Information 技术 can be your ticket to a dynamic 和 fast-growing field. 的 劳工统计局 估计从 2022-2032在美国,网络安全职业将会增长 32%,大大超过了平均增长率. Herzing大学 信息技术理学学士学位 program offers in-depth courses in the various aspects of client/server operating systems, 网络基础设施管理, 安全性和脚本以及数据库设计, 云计算, 虚拟化和业务系统分析.

就像Herzing的很多幸运28计划一样, you can complete your degree quickly in as few as 32 months 和 take your classes 从 the comfort of your own home! This degree is perfect for parents who are tech-savvy 和 want to be at the forefront of innovation while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

5. 人力资源

A 人力资源学学士学位 can be an excellent choice for parents with exceptional interpersonal skills 和 an interest in supporting organizational growth. 赫京大学的课程为您提供管理人员的专业知识, 应对职场挑战, 创造一个积极的工作环境. You can also earn dual credit toward your 工商管理硕士 as you complete this undergraduate program.

根据 美国劳工统计局在美国,人力资源经理的就业预计将会增长 5%2022-2032,快于预计的全美平均水平.S. 职业. This degree offers flexibility 和 empowers parents to contribute meaningfully to 业务es of all sizes.

6. 社会工作(都市生活)

如果你的心致力于让人们的生活有所不同,一个 社会工作硕士 (城市生活垃圾)可以完全符合你的价值观. 这个课程为你解决社会问题做准备, 支持个人和家庭, 提倡积极的改变. Herzing提供三个专业:心理健康, 医务社会工作与儿童, 家庭及安老服务.

对社会工作者的需求只会越来越大. U.S. 新闻与世界报道 在未来发展方面给社会工作者打了8分(满分10分). Social work offers a fulfilling path for parents who want to give back to their communities 和 create a lasting impact. 你可以让世界变得更美好,不仅为了你的孩子,也为了另一个孩子.

7. 医疗协助

如果你正在寻找获得学位的捷径,a 医疗辅助文凭 Herzing大学的学生是一个很好的选择! 对于对医学领域感兴趣的父母,你可以在1年内获得学位.

This program provides a focused education that prepares you to assist healthcare professionals in various clinical 和 administrative tasks. 通过实践培训和课程设计,让你迅速进入职场, this diploma offers a practical path for parents who want to enter the medical field 和 contribute to patient care while accommodating their busy schedules.

Returning to school as a parent is a remarkable journey of self-discovery, growth, 和 empowerment. Herzing大学 underst和s the unique challenges faced by parents seeking education 和 provides a supportive environment with flexible learning options. 的 degrees highlighted above are just a small portion of the many possibilities available to parents on their educational path.

As a way to encour年龄 parents to continue their education, Herzing大学 offers the 儿童保育机会意味着家长在学校(CCAMPIS)补助金. CCAMPIS是一个联邦幸运28计划.S. Department of Education that assists parents with the cost of keeping their children enrolled in a quality childcare center. Herzing大学 families who meet the eligibility requirements of the CCAMPIS grant are encour年龄d to apply to receive a subsidy, 支付给托儿中心, 托儿学费.

无论你是在追求医疗事业, 业务, 技术, 设计, 或者刑事司法, Herzing的幸运28计划旨在帮助家长取得成功. 通过选择一个与你的激情和目标相一致的学位, you can embark on a fulfilling career journey while setting a wonderful example for your family. So, 勇敢地迈出这一步, 拥抱你的抱负, 让荷晶大学引领你们走向更光明、更美好的未来.



*美国劳工统计局(美国劳工统计局).S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by 美国劳工统计局 for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation 从 its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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